Gow Langsford is a market leader in New Zealand’s secondary art market. We pride ourselves on being uniquely client-centred and have the networks and expertise to broker the best outcomes for buyers and sellers of high value artworks on the secondary market. Here you will find a selection of available secondary market works, a broader selection and pricing is available upon request. To view specific works in person, our Onehunga premises has viewing rooms available by appointment.
We accept consignments from collectors worldwide, if you are interested in selling please contact the gallery.
Julian Dashper, Cass, 1986
Tony Fomison, End of the Road for Chief Sitting Duck, 1981
Allen Maddox, Untitled, no date
Gordon Walters, Reworking of an idea of 1956, 1972
Pablo Picasso, Corrida sur fond noir (Alain Ramié 198), 1953
André Hemer, An Image Cast by the Sun, 2019
Karl Maughan, Untitled, 1990
Dale Frank, Abbey eyes seeing the back of the head neurons firing regret, 2008