Bernar Venet – 1961… Looking Forward in Venice

Running concurrently with the 60th Biennale of Venice is Bernar Venet – 1961… Looking Forward at the Marciana National Library in Piazza San Marco in Venice from 20 April - 16 June 2024. 

This exhibition, curated by Prof. Beate Reifenscheid, offers a vision far removed from Venet’s conceptually radical beginnings, moving away from any mainstream art of the early 1960s and focusing on his influential artistic statements since then.


Bernar Venet - 1961... Looking Forward
20 April to 16 June 2024
Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Access to the exhibition via the Museo Correr
Piazza San Marco n.52 - Ala Napoleonica
I - 30124 Venice

May 7, 2024